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How Does TapTapSee Work?

TapTapSee Interface and Functionality: TapTapSee is a free iOS app developed by Net Ideas, LLC that assists users in identifying objects through pictures taken with their device’s camera. The app features a simple interface with only three buttons: “Repeat,” “About,” and “Take Picture.” Users aim their iPhone’s camera at the object they want to recognize and double-tap the screen to take a picture. Once the photo is taken, it is automatically uploaded to the company’s servers for processing.

Image Recognition Process: After uploading the image, TapTapSee compares it against an extensive image database using a combination of automated algorithms and human staff to provide accurate matches. The app then uses VoiceOver to announce the name of the identified item. Users can press the “Repeat” button to have the item name re-voiced if needed.

Auto-Focus Feature and Results: TapTapSee includes an “Enable Auto-Focus Sound” setting in the About menu, which alerts users with a double beep when the camera is in focus for optimal picture-taking. This feature helps users position the camera correctly for better results. The app delivers swift and accurate identification results, with occasional delays prompting a message indicating processing time.

Additional Features and Updates: In an update released before publication, TapTapSee introduced new features such as a “Library” button for accessing saved photos and a “Share” button for sharing identified images via email or social media platforms. These additions enhance user experience by allowing easier management of captured images.

Conclusion: Overall, TapTapSee stands out for its simplicity, ease of use, and effectiveness in object identification for individuals with visual impairments using VoiceOver on iOS devices. The app’s combination of image recognition technology and human verification ensures reliable results across various objects and scenarios.

Top 3 Authoritative Sources Used in Answering this Question:

  1. AccessWorld Review: Provided insights into TapTapSee’s functionality, interface design, image recognition process, accuracy of results, additional features, and user experience.

  2. Net Ideas, LLC (Developer): Information sourced directly from the developer’s details about TapTapSee’s features, updates, and how the app works to identify objects through photos taken with iOS devices.

  3. iOS App Store: General information about TapTapSee’s purpose, functionality, user reviews, and updates available on the iOS platform.